14 December 2010
Open House at the EMC
GemStone Media, along with the GEM field staff who work in the Europe Ministry Center (EMC), held an open house the last week of November to thank God for the office complex (formerly a barn), and to thank our neighbors, the local community, and the contractors for their support and welcome. Each ministry in the EMC was responsible for providing a table or display in their office area, and throughout the day, a short program explaining the Thanksgiving holiday was given in the EMC conference room. About 175 people showed up to celebrate with us, including a town official, the building architect, and two area pastors. What a wonderful opportunity to honor God in His provision and blessing for the ministry of GEM!
You can check out a slide show of the EMC in its many stages over a period of several years here.
02 November 2010
Great Hope
Although the statistics can seem daunting, God’s Spirit is moving and He is working in remarkable ways in Europe. God is opening people’s eyes to who He truly is and He is bringing people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus. The recently completed “Great Hope” video shares some encouraging ways God is working through GEM missionaries to build His kingdom across Europe and beyond.
To see the "Great Hope" video, click HERE.
20 October 2010
Why Europe?
For centuries Europe was considered a Christian continent, even the “cradle of Christianity,” as God used men like John Wesley, Martin Luther, John Calvin and others to make a big impact for Jesus on the continent. Today, Europe is a much different place spiritually. It’s amazing to realize that many countries in Europe are less than 3% Christian. In some European countries, less than 1/2 of 1% of the people are true believers in Jesus! GemStone Media has recently finished a short video entitled “Why Europe?” which explains the spiritual state of Europe today and why it is important to reach Europeans with the gospel.
To see the "Why Europe?" video, click HERE.
01 October 2010
Quale Via? Quale Verità? Quale Vita?
Just off the press, Quale via? Quale verità? Quale vita? (Which Way? Which Truth? Which Life?) is an Italian Bible study that explores what the Bible has to say about basic foundational topics such as Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, sin, faith, grace, prayer, etc. This 64-page booklet was written by a field worker in Italy because of the difficulty he had in finding something like this already written for an Italian audience. It was really fun (and challenging) for us to help make this project a reality!
15 September 2010
Meet Laura!
Our newest intern, Laura, will be working with our video production team this fall. Laura enjoys photography, and is currently studying at John Brown University, majoring in digital media and intercultural studies. Welcome Laura! We're so glad you're here!
03 September 2010
Welcome Erik and Shannon!
We're excited that Erik and Shannon, appointees with GEM, have come for a couple weeks visit. Erik will be joining the GemStone Media team to work as a website builder/designer and graphic designer, while Shannon joins Crescendo Arts' local team to work with the Art Factory, an art outreach ministry. Erik and Shannon hope to finish their support in time to move to Europe next summer (2011). They are a fun couple – full of enthusiasm and creative ideas – and we can't wait to have them here with us full-time! Learn more about Erik and Shannon here.
20 August 2010
Help for the hurting
We were asked to create a brochure for a non-profit organization that is just getting started in Bulgaria. Focusing on two very relevant social issues facing Bulgaria, and with a vision to address other issues, this organization hopes to begin strengthening the communities it has come to serve, both educationally, and spiritually. The website is being developed by our team as well. Coming soon...
10 August 2010
On the radio!

One of GemStone Media's video producers, Ted, is currently in the U.S. along with his wife and three children raising financial support so that they can return to Europe and continue working with our GSM team. Ted is a key part of our team, and we are praying that God will provide for them, and allow them to return to us soon!
On Monday, August 9, Ted had the privilege of being interviewed by Hugh Hewitt, a well-known Christian radio talk show host in the U.S. Ted was able to share about his ministry with GemStone Media. Check out Hugh Hewitt's comments about the interview on his blog. Listen to Ted's 12-minute interview here.
If you are interested in learning more about Ted, his family, and their ministry with GemStone Media, click here.
GemStone Media team,
05 August 2010
Partnering with a local art ministry
We were approached not long ago to help a local European art ministry with a logo and a printed informational card (above). They also asked us to create a video, which is not available yet for public viewing, but below are some stills of the video.
30 July 2010
A trip to India

This summer one of GemStone Media's videographers had the opportunity to go to an area in east India where, a few years ago, over 500 Christians were brutally murdered for their faith in Jesus by Hindu extremists. Through a relationship with a local European church, we were asked to collect stories of the persecution through the eyes of the children who have been left behind, as well as stories of how God has been working among the believers there. Thirty-five children affected by the persecution are living in a safer area of east India in an orphanage called Love and Hope Children's Home.
Love and Hope was created two years ago, and because of lack of finances, it has struggled to provide basic necessities for the kids. GemStone Media is in the process of helping this European church make a video to communicate the need for financial and prayer support for Love and Hope, as well as developing profile pages for individual child sponsorship there.
GemStone Media team,
21 July 2010
GEM Annual Conference 2010 Program
01 June 2010
Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary distance learning brochure

GEM's eDOT ministry is working with the Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary in Ukraine by providing biblical education and theology through their distance learning program for Ukrainian pastors and ministers who don't have the ability or resources to participate in the Bible school's normal program. We were asked to spruce up an existing brochure that promotes the ZBCS distance learning program, all in the Russian language – a first for us!
20 May 2010
Video training in Belarus

GemStone Media team,
04 May 2010
Meet Cassia!

Cassia graduated from high school in June 2009, and has been interning with GemStone Media's video department since October. She has helped us with several video projects and has recently been spearheading a promotional video for a local art ministry. Cassia hopes to finish it before leaving Germany for college in Canada this summer. We will miss her invaluable assistance, servant heart, and cheerful attitude!
May God bless your future, Cassia!
29 April 2010
Meet Krister!

Krister is a professional video producer from Spokane, Washington, who has helped GemStone Media's video team on several occasions with various projects over the last couple of years. Recently, he flew over to join us in shooting four How2Video segments. We were particularly thankful to have his expertise available for the technical aspects of lighting and audio!
Krister's hope and prayer is to eventually move to Germany and join our team full-time. We are excited about this possibility and look forward to seeing how God will accomplish it!
26 April 2010
GSM shoots 4 videos in under 3 weeks!

It has been a crazy few weeks filming four different How2Videos which follow the first three that have already been finished. Our whole team worked together to film inside and outside in a variety of locations in Basel, Lörrach, and around the Kandern area. The most challenging part was shooting outside with various lighting situations (depending on weather) and unexpected noise problems – like construction, vehicles, or people walking by.
Stay tuned for How2Videos on the following topics: "Audio," "Lighting, Framing, and Composition," "Recording," and "Editing and Distribution."
15 March 2010
How2Video: "Grab Your Gear"

The third installment of the How2Video series "Grab Your Gear" discusses the equipment you need for making a video. View it, and the first two videos HERE.
01 March 2010
eDOT Brochure

We just completed a fun and updated brochure for GEM's eDOT (Electronic Discipleship and Online Training) ministry. Learn more about eDOT here.
26 February 2010
Update on Urbana and two videos

Our team produced two videos for the Urbana conference in December, both focusing on Muslim ministry. To see the one-minute interview with a Bulgarian young man who's life was changed by Jesus, click here.
The other video shares a college student's passion for talking about Jesus with Muslims in Europe. Click here to see the 2-minute "Steve's Experience in Sweden."
Steve interview,
15 February 2010
SHARE brochure

SHARE Education Services is a ministry that gives assistance to GEM missionary families by informing them and discussing educational options for GEM kids on the field. Go here to learn more about SHARE.
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