26 February 2010

Update on Urbana and two videos

Our team produced two videos for the Urbana conference in December, both focusing on Muslim ministry. To see the one-minute interview with a Bulgarian young man who's life was changed by Jesus, click here.

The other video shares a college student's passion for talking about Jesus with Muslims in Europe. Click here to see the 2-minute "Steve's Experience in Sweden."

15 February 2010

SHARE brochure

SHARE Education Services is a ministry that gives assistance to GEM missionary families by informing them and discussing educational options for GEM kids on the field. Go here to learn more about SHARE.

02 February 2010

GemStone Media annual planning 2010

The GemStone Media team took two full days in early February to meet and discuss our project plans and dreams for the coming year. We even had the opportunity to Skype with three members of our team who weren't able to be there in person! Isn't technology great?