18 November 2011

"First Steps in the Faith" discipleship book

We're excited about how God might use Primeiros Passos na Fé (First Steps in the Faith), a discipleship booklet we were asked to design for a church planter in Portugal. The booklet will be used as a follow-up tool for the My Hope gospel program beginning there in early December. My Hope is a televised version of the Billy Graham Crusade. Christians throughout the country have been trained and encouraged to invite family, friends and neighbors into their homes to view the program on three different nights. When the program is finished, they will share brief testimonies and give people a chance to receive Christ in their living rooms. Those who accept Christ’s gift of salvation will be followed up with Bible studies using discipleship booklets like Primeiros Passos na Fé.

Pray for this event, that many Portuguese would be led to faith in Christ and grounded in His Word!

You can learn more about Portugal and My Hope here.