26 August 2011

Reach the World

        Click here to watch Reach the World
        and then come back to learn more... 

The details: We were asked to make a video highlighting the needs in Europe for GEM's website. The reality is that there are millions of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and spiritualists living all across Europe, many of whom are immigrants from unreached countries. We created this video to challenge Christians who are thinking about ministry to unreached areas, but may not have considered the enormous potential for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to immigrants right here in Europe.

We're excited about how God has put Reach the World together. All the hard work of planning and preparation has really paid off and we're pleased with the result. We hope that this video will be the first of many non-verbal short videos exploring topics that will challenge people where they are. Feel free to pass the Reach the World link on to people in your network who would benefit or be encouraged by it. Let's get the word out about Europe's potential!

12 August 2011

Making of "Reach the World"

GemStone Media produced three different videos this year challenging believers to consider ministry in Europe. The On Any Given Day video was produced to show the great need that exists to share the Gospel here. What Would It Look Like? was produced to connect people with their personal potential to have an impact. Currently we're in post production on the final of those three pieces, Reach the World, which speaks specifically to the broad cultural diversity that exists in Europe and the potential to have an impact for Christ all over the world by having an impact in Europe. Bryce, our intern this summer, did a fantastic job putting together a behind-the-scenes look at this final video as it was being produced. We hope you'll take a look. The finished Reach the World video is currently in final production and we'll post it soon...

08 August 2011

Summer Video Production

The video team has been busily working on a new video that will focus on the large variety of immigrants living in Europe. Production has included creating several interior sets, multiple mornings shooting in the center of Basel, gathering a large number of props and costumes, and finding a handful of actors to play the various roles. It has been a huge project so far, but we're expecting a good return on our time investment! Stay tuned...

01 August 2011

ZBCS video project

Two members of our video team, Jim and Ted, spent a week in Ukraine shooting footage for a promotional video about the online classroom for Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary. It took a lot of preparation and hard work, but the school was pleased with the end result!